D.P.T. (Digital Painting Techniques) - WWII SERIES - THE CRASH (no audio)
- Pure digital painting (no photos/shortcuts)
- Paint in photoshop with confidence
- Process of digital painting techniques
- Telling a story through composition
This workshop includes:
- 30 minute video tutorial with no audio
- Original .PSD Demo file with layers
- JPG Image of Artwork
You are welcome to message me on facebook or email me at james@scribblepadstudios.com with any tutorial topic you might be interested in viewing. Thanks for watching!!
Visit www.BrainstormSchool.com for updates on Classes, Mentorships, Workshops, & Tutorials.
Feel free to visit our Facebook Page: Brainstorm, for tutorial reviews, critiques, and community assignments.
James Paick
Scribble Pad Studios - Creative Director